E-GPF statements for 2023-24 have been uploaded in e-GPF portal

The Office of the Accountant General (A&E),Meghalaya maintains individual GPF accounts of about 39,000 employees (including Group D employees) of Government of Meghalaya. For more details... more

Services Offered:
1.GPF Statement
2.GPF Ledger
3.Registration of mobile number/email id for SMS/ email alert
4.Missing Credit Information

For availing SMS service, the state government employees would have to register their mobile number with the Office of the Accountant General (A&E), Meghalaya, Shillong . The updated information would then be sent to their mobile through SMS. The subscriber will be intimated monthly subscription, refund, withdrawal and closing balance through SMS on the registered mobile.

In order to access GPF status, the subscriber has to select the GPF series name and enter the GPF Account No. Further he/she has to enter PIN (Personal Identification Number) which has been communicated through registered mobile number. If the subscriber has not received PIN, then the Fund Section of O/o the Accountant General (A&E), Meghalaya,should be contacted, during office hours.

No Of Visitors :613365